January 19, 2008

Survival and the grocery store...

Arriving in Park City, one of the first things I like to do after getting a bite to eat (more on that in a minute) is to head to the grocery store...stock up for the week on beer, milk, and survival food. It's always crazy, cause that's what everyone wants to do and they are all in a hurry. It's like a big storm is coming and everyone runs to the store at the same time to buy whatever they can find.

Last year I came up with a brilliant plan, and I must share it with you.

Our condo is on Main Street and we have no car...we take the bus to the grocery store. Carting home water, juice, milk, beer, and a few things to actually eat for a week is almost impossible, and who wants to spend their time going to the damn grocery store every day. Sure I could buy all these things every day on Main Street, but I'm already paying for the convenience of living on Main Street..I don't need to spend $100 a day on food and drink...and that's just for coffee and snacks, not even a buzz and 3 squares.

OK, are you ready for brilliance?

You sure...

I empty my rolling suitcases and take them to the store with me. We got 2 six packs of beer, 1.5 gallons of milk, 2 gallons of juice, chips, potatoes, spinach, cereal, canned soups, fried chicken, fruit, etc. all in two large suitcases. No broken wrists, no awkward carrying of 25 plastic bags, just put the heavy stuff on the bottom and the light stuff on top...then put all the smashables in the front pockets and roll away we go...

At least 25 people watched us...it was pretty funny. They were all saying ' Damn, why didn't I think of that' as they walked out with their wrists already burning from the plastic cutting into their flesh...

And speaking of survival...here's what every refrig at Sundance should have....

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