January 23, 2008

GA Film Office hosts Sundance Party

Mark Wynns, Carri Gibbs, and Ashley Epting

The crowd...

Pete Ballard and a blonde woman.

The invite...

The Georgia film materials.

Mark Wynns, JD, some guy, and Ashley Epting.

Ga Film Office head Bill Thompson with writer/producer Brian Ransom.

Got a boost of adrenaline before the party as I realized my wallet was what I heard slip to the floor in the Eccles Theater earlier that day.  Thankfully someone turned it in, but it sure woke me up when I realized it was missing.   Got the wallet back...thank goodness.  I had a payroll check, NO JEFF, I still haven't cashed the darn thing.  ATM's that accept checks here are hard to find, and I have about $300 in cash, not to mention credit cards.

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